Welcome Message Block Customization on Product Page Added For White Label Agency
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Bot Error Log is 🤩Live🤩 Now
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🥳Dukaan🥳 Integration 🥳 Live 🥳
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🤩RTL🤩 Introduced in Live Chat Panel
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🥳Support Ticket Manager🥳 is 🤩Live🤩

Key Features:-

  1. Create Ticket From Anywhere on Panel.
  2. Manage Ticket from Workspace Ticker Manager.
  3. Start Conversation with support agent with text and media messages.
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🤩Location & Contact Message in Live Chat🤩
  • Location & Contact Message Support Added in Live chat
  • Last Incoming Location & Contact Message Access Added in Chatbot Flow
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Introducing 🤩External API Request App🤩 and 🤩Workflow Counter🤩
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Introducing 🤩Splitter🤩 - Split Route Based on Route Weightage

Get bored by sending same messages in bot again and again?
Want to send a different greeting message everytime a bot user lands on your bot?

We are here with a perfect solution for your above issues.
WA Team is introducing Splitter in Automation Builder.

What is Splitter?

You can split the route based on the probablity. Each time when flow execute, splitter will route the flow randomly based on the weightage you set for each route.

How to use?

  1. Simply add Splitter in your flow.
  2. Create routes.
  3. Set weightage for each route.
  4. Save Splitter
  5. Connect route with next node.
    !!Your are Done!!

Thanks for using WA Team.

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Workflow Control Added In Live Chat
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New Chat Feature - "Mark as Done" Added
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App Version Update Button Added In Live Chat
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🤩Template Library🤩 is Live Now

Key Features:-

  1. Make Public Templates
  2. Use Public Templates
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😍Advance Sharing😍 Option Added

Advance Sharing has two types:-

  1. One time ☝🏼 share (Private Link)
  2. Life time share (Public Link)
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🤩Folder Feature Added In Automation🤩
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Some UI Changes In Workflow Listing Page
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Added Access For Your Channel Specific Chatbots in CRM

In CRM's channel page, access to channel specific chatbot is added.

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🤩🥳Chabot Builder Beta Version Launched🤩🥳

Now 🥳create WhatsApp Chatbot inside your automation builder🤩.

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Broadcast Detailed Report Export Added

To download report

  • Click on report icon
  • Click on Download Full Report
  • Wait untill report is ready
  • Click on Download File
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Contact Export Support Added
  • Export All Contacts
  • Export Filtered Contacts
  • Export Selected Contacts
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Audio Message Sending & Receiving Support Added
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Search Improved For Team Member

Team members with all contact permission can now search all chats in chat panel.

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Automation Builder (🥳Beta Launch🥳)
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Message Delay In Broadcast and Mass Broadcast Introduced
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Pagination Customization Improved on Contact Page
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2 New Languages Added

2 New Languages added

1. Romanian
2. Portugese

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4 New (3 Indian) Languages Added
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Multiple Languages in the DASHBOARD
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Multilingual Feature Beta Launched with 8 International Language

"Language should not be the barrier to your growth on our platform" We believe in growing together with 100% customer satisfaction. To fulfill our vision we are here with the most awaited feature.

Now you can access your panel in the language in which you are comfortable. We are launching our multilingual (beta version) with following 8 international languages.
1. English
2. Hindi
3. Spanish
4. Russian
5. German
6. Italian
7. French
8. Chinese

You can customize your panel language on following three different levels.

  1. Device Language: You can set your device language from the dropdown in the header.

  2. User account language: You can set default language for your account.

  3. Panel Language: White label agency can set their panel language

Your panel language preference will be decided in following order-

  1. If you had set a device language than your device language will be your panel language on that device.

  2. If you had not set any device language then your account's default language will be your panel language.

  3. If you had not set any of the above then your panel's default language which is set by the panel admin, will be your panel language.

  4. If the above three are not set then the English will be the fallback language and it will be your panel language.

(We are open to language suggestions. If you have any language which is not on the list, kindly write us care@wa.team)

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Agency APIs Launched (Beta)

Agency (Including White Label Agency) can now manage their panel and subscription via API.

Manage User -

  1. List All Panel Users (Only for White Label Panel)
  2. Create User

Manage Subscription -

  1. List all subscriptions
  2. List all shares of a subscription
  3. Share subscription
  4. Add products units in shared subscription
  5. Revoke subscription
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Enabling On-Premises API Call Structure for WhatsApp Cloud API

WA.Team belives in extending the limits. We are excited to announce that, WA.Team supports On-Premises API call structure for WhatsApp Cloud API.
How it is helpful for you? Let's see-

  1. You can intergrate your cloud API in Pabbly, UChat, Botbaba or any other platform which support 360Dialog as WhatsApp Business API provider.
  2. You need not to change your code structure to handle the incoming webhook from WhatsApp Cloud API, as we are giving you an option to select the incoming webhook structure while you set webhook in your WhatsApp Cloud API channel.
  3. You need not to change your code to send all type of messages including template messages and also you can manage your templates using the old 360 Dialog API Call Structure now.
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